I just saw this this tweet from Donald Trump! As it was rumored recently, Betsy DeVos has finally been fired!


Who do you think Trump will nominate next for Secretary of Education now that DeVos is on her way out the door? Michelle Rhee? Rhee was said to be in the running the last time around and the rumor was that she was seen leaving the White House during the transition. Do you think Trump might even consider appointing Linda Darling-Hammond because Obama decided against her? Considering the fact that Trump is wanting to kill Obamacare again in recent days, perhaps he might see this as the ultimate slight.

Why the firing today? Perhaps because DeVos thinks huge class sizes are good for children—watch Anthony Cody in the background after she fumbles around and makes this fact-free statement,

or inability to answer questions,

or answering questions inanely,

or general disinterest and lack of knowledge about education,

I bet she got brownie points for doing this,

and this,

Alas, Betsy DeVos is no longer the U.S. Secretary of Education. At least until tomorrow. #FakeNews

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13 thoughts on “Breaking News: Donald Trump fired Betsy DeVos this morning on Twitter

  1. I WISH DeVos were fired! When will there be a real educator in the position of Secretary of Education? IMHO, anyone in that position should be a credentialed teachers and should have actually have taught class more than five years in an impoverished school district. To do the job well; one must know the job.


    1. I WISH DeVos were fired! When will there be a real educator in the position of Secretary of Education? IMHO, anyone in that position should be a credentialed teacher and should have actually taught class more than five years in an impoverished school district. To do the job well; one must know the job. Corrected.


  2. Trump cannot blame anyone else for DeVos. He chose her. Pence is a Georgie Babbitt. He’s always been a corporate ho. The perfect Trump VP.


  3. I’m amazed !!! He did something good today…
    It’s not like DeVos will starve w/o her job . Just stay out of public service jobs. Be a mortician or something..
    Now fire 🔥 Bill Barr and Ben Carson and GOP


  4. Duh! This is political for the 2020 election. While his “base” does not like so called elite academics (such as yourself) and is a libertarian in favor of privatization (in general) he knows that many public school educators -particularly in public schools across rural America- will vote for him. DeVos has let her stupidity and lack of credibility with k-12 educators get in his way. Therefore, as he does, has done over and over; he’s throwing her under the bus. Plus, she may be OK with it for their cause. She has her billions and may be tired of the bureaucratic hassle.

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