Florida’s New College Entrance Exam: Is CLT A Trojan Horse for Ideological Indoctrination?

The education community is buzzing about Florida’s new Classic Learning Test (CLT) college entrance exam, a significant departure from traditional standardized tests like the SAT and ACT. But what many may not realize is the loaded political and ideological baggage that accompanies this shift to a “classical” exam.

I weighed in this week and offered perspective on the emerging issue through my appearances on NBC and in Axios, drawing upon my academic scholarship focusing on curriculum and testing policy.

The new Florida college entrance exam is making waves in the education world because it marks a considerable change from the SAT and ACT. But many people might not be aware of the heavy political and ideological baggage that comes with this change. I weighed in on NBC News here. Also, in an Axios story entitled Florida eyes “classical” education agenda I made the following point

“So-called “classical education is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing”

Julian Vasquez Heilig, Axios 2023

This blog quickly introduces some of our scholarly work that underlies why I made the points that I made in the NBC and Axios interviews. All of the articles are available for free in pdf form on Academia.edu.

The case of Debra P. v. Turlington in Florida history

We must first turn to history in order to fully comprehend the significance of this development. Standardized testing and the state of Florida have a protracted, contentious relationship. A sharp reminder is provided by the seminal case Debra P. v. Turlington from the early 1980s. The NAACP filed a lawsuit against the state of Florida, claiming that African Americans were the targets of discrimination in standardized testing. It would appear that history is in risk of repeating itself. We discuss these concepts and the case in the peer review article:

Holme, J. & Vasquez Heilig, J. (2012). High stakes decisions: The legal landscape of gatekeeping exit exams and the implications for schools and leaders. Journal of School Leadership, 22(6), 1177-1197.

The Political Consequences: Not Just a Test

The new test is not just a minor adjustment to earlier tests. It’s not just one more obstacle for students to get through. It’s a tectonic shift that might have profoundly unsettling effects on educational prospects and outcomes. This test indicates a deliberate political ploy covered up as academic change, inspired by PragerU and Hillsdale curricula—organizations recognized for narrow and exclusive conservatism.

In high-stakes testing, where tests affect everything from teacher evaluations to school finance, Florida has been a pioneer. With the introduction of this new exam, the state makes a great advancement by using educational policy as a weapon to push an ideological position. We’re discussing the constricting of knowledge that passes muster as “acceptable” under the pretext of standardized testing. It’s not only a pedagogical issue; democratic education itself is at danger. We discuss the context of high-stakes testing here:

Vasquez Heilig, J. & Nichols, S. (2013). A quandary for school leaders: Equity, high-stakes testing and accountability. In L. C. Tillman &. J. J. Scheurich (Eds), Handbook of Research on Educational Leadership for Diversity and Equity (pp. 409-435). New York, NY: Routledge.

Vasquez Heilig. J., Brewer, J. & Pedraza, J. (2018). Examining the myth of accountability, high-stakes testing and the achievement gap, Journal of Family Strengths, 18(1), 1-14.

The Students Are the Real Victims

And let’s not forget the students, especially those from underrepresented groups. Long serving as gatekeepers, high stakes exams have restricted educational chances for individuals who are already underprivileged. Now that ideological substance has been added to the mix, these difficulties are heightened by the new test. It involves more than just providing accurate answers; it also involves adhering to a particular worldview. Imagine overcoming institutional educational obstacles just to take a test that evaluates your ideological conformity in addition to your academic ability. Our most vulnerable pupils stand to lose the most because the stakes are so extremely high. We discuss the consequences of high-stakes tests for youth here:

Vasquez Heilig, J., Marachi, R., & Cruz, D. (2016). Mismatched assumptions: Motivation, grit, and high-stakes testing. In S. Nichols (Ed.), Educational policies and youth in the 21st century: Problems, potential, and progress, (pp. 145-157).  Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

A Call to Alertness

I appreciate you giving me a chance to discuss this pressing issue. As we have seen throughout history, as noted in our peer reviewed scholarship, there is a deliberate connection between politics, curriculum, and state exams. When the educational futures of our most marginalized populations are at stake, we have a duty to be attentive and critically engaged.

A well-informed populace with discernment and the capacity for critical thought is essential to our democracy. This core idea is undermined by an entrance exam that leans toward ideological indoctrination. Any attempts to pass off political goals as educational reform must be met with a united front. Our democracy’s health and the future of our students are at stake.

I will also be in Florida at the end of the month to speak at a free speech conference at Flagler College entitled “The Freedom to Teach” See you there!

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Educator Says Testing This Year “Not Gonna Work”

Here are some points about administering testing this year from Brandy Alexander, a Texas testing coordinator and one of my former graduate students at UT-Austin. Here’s what she had to say about the difficult of high-stakes testing in the midst of a pandemic.

We just met this morning to lay some ground plans for first administration and here’s why it’s not gonna work:

Online kids are not going to come to campus when covid numbers are rising exponentially on our campus/district. There’s no way, parents already talking about refusing.

Kids on a mandatory quarantine because of contact tracing won’t be able to test on scheduled dates.

Transportation – we don’t have the space on buses or extra buses or bus drivers for the influx of online students coming to school to test in a secure environment, would be a logistical nightmare.

In a perfect world, let’s say every kid was healthy and could attend and get to school… We have no space to fit everyone 6 feet apart. TX gives ONE day for paper administration, and one month for online, so we assume with the month given for online admin, we’ll do online testing… but laptops have been backordered since April 2020 for many manufacturers. Only kids online and quarantined are prioritized a laptop so we’d have to move kids over to paper with no laptop. This means we’ve had to hold individual IEP meetings, a ridiculous amount of additional student meetings, fixing online admin to paper. Time where tons of people have to be in these legal meetings instead of in classrooms.

Then, thinking about testing supports that a % of our kids use. To practice online supports, you have to have devices to qualify for “regularly, independently, effectively” so you HAVE to use paper, if that makes sense. So you get get back in the paper admin loop of impossibility.

Logistically it just isn’t possible BUT let’s say it was and everything above works out, there are two huge stopping points:

1. We simply don’t have the staff. We had 20 teachers out today. Most of those on two-week quarantines. We get an allotment of 2 covid subs, so paras (uncertified teachers) cover classes. They can’t cover during state tests. How do we even administer securely?

2. Big picture right now: There’s no infrastructure in districts for state testing. So there’s no top-down directions on what to do at campus levels, so campuses have no directions on how to start getting parents on board with kids coming on campus to test, how to talk to transportation about getting kids to campus. District testing compliance offices are skeleton crews of PD professionals, and spreadsheet checkers, they’re not on campuses seeing/living in this mess. Everything coming from district level is, “that’s a campus decision for handling that.”

I just don’t see how any entity could believe, after listening to campus testing coordinators and/or principals, how high stakes testing could even be done in a secure environment. Since you can’t, there’s no way the data could be valid. Even if you take accountability measures out of it, the time needed to even “try” a state test is just beyond logical during this time where kids have a choice to be off campus.

Don’t forget to join us tonight for a high-stakes testing townhall!

Also check out the following petition https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/secretary-cardona-cancel-the-tests/?link_id=0&can_id=481aa792da2a79ba2a38c6faa410b9f1&source=email-secretary-cardona-cancel-the-spring-tests&email_referrer=email_1054634&email_subject=urgent-ask-secretary-of-ed-nominee-miguel-cardona-to-cancel-the-spring-tests

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National Town Hall on Suspending High Stakes Student Testing

Register now – National Town Hall on Suspending High Stakes Student Testing on 1/26 at 6 p.m. EST w/ Congressman Jamaal Bowman , Dean Julian Vasquez Heilig , Professor Jack Schneider and many more. MC’d by Bob Schaeffer of FairTest and @ilana4regent – register for free here.

See all of Cloaking Inequity posts about high-stakes testing here.

There is much more work to do, and no doubt, there will be more challenges ahead, but I am convinced that we will refuse to allow adversity to stop us from pressing forward and making an unmistakable and lasting impact.

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The Total Neoliberal Misrepresentation of the Recent History of Indianapolis K12 Education

Is a total neoliberal misrepresentation coming to K12 Education in a public district near you?

A recent article in the pro-charter, pro-neoliberal “magazine,” called Education Next, is a thorough misrepresentation of the recent history of Indianapolis K12 education (see the article at https://www.educationnext.org/hoosier-way-good-choices-for-all-indianapolis/).  I know because, as a university professor and a community activist, I have spent the last seven years working against the pro-charter, pro-neoliberal efforts in Indianapolis, mainly through the IPS Community Coalition, a citywide grassroots organization, and through an activist research group of doctoral students, community members, and university faculty.  Below, I am going to point out ten ways this Education Next “story” is distorted and deceptive.

  1. The real cause of the “schooling crisis” in Indianapolis was racism and desegregation as many whites who could afford to do so moved out of the city, as did much business and capital, along with the ongoing effects of local, long-term racist policies and practices.

 In the Education Next (EN) article, there is not a single reference to race, desegregation, and racism.  Indeed, these words are never used (except as labels in one chart) even though the history of Indianapolis schooling cannot be accurately and fairly storied without these. In addition, there is no mention of the ongoing racism in law enforcement and imprisonment, housing, education, medicine, employment, banking, and the media, which exists in all cities and is well documented in social science research. These exclusions are a loud absence that is unquestionably remarkable and certainly a mark of weak and/or distorted scholarship.  Why would anyone who wanted to tell an honest “Hoosier” education story leave these out?  At a minimum, it certainly makes one wonder about the real nature and agenda of this EN story.

  1. No mention of the pro-charter neoliberal movement that has “Mind Trust” and “Stand for Children” like organizations in every major city and several smaller ones in the U.S.

 The Mind Trust and Stand for Children in Indianapolis like to keep their “story” local so those who work for them and the Indianapolis public remain ignorant about their true nature.  The Mind Trust and Stand for Children never discuss that they are part of a national neoliberal movement largely funded by conservative and right-wing individuals, organizations, and corporations.  They never discuss the wider agenda of this movement, which includes low taxes for the wealthy, decreased funding for social supports, the privatization of and profiteering off of public services (like public education), efforts to decrease the voting power of people of color, the end of unions (esp. teachers unions) and the benefits unions have developed, among other ways that decrease the quality of life for everyone but the 1% and those who serve them.  Also, Mind Trust and Stand for Children never discuss the strongly anti-democratic nature of the neoliberal movement.  To begin to educate yourself on this national movement, read these highly respected books, in this order, MacLean’s Democracy in Chains, Mayer’s Dark Money, and Lipman’s The New Political Economy of Urban Education.

  1. No mention of the key role of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) in the Mind Trust/Stand for Children story.

 ALEC is a conservative-rightwing organization that creates model state-level neoliberal legislation to assist in institutionalizing the state-level neoliberal agenda discussed above in #2.  ALEC considers Indiana to be one of its favorite states, as Indiana Republicans and some Democrats have implemented so much ALEC developed legislation.  The result has been that Indiana consistently ranks high in business-friendly policies and effects and among the lowest in quality of life policies and effects.  Lengthy discussions and critiques of ALEC and its agenda are widely available, but there is no doubt ALEC is pushing a radical agenda that would not be supported if voted on by the general public.

  1. No mention of the “dark money” funding of Mind Trust/Stand for Children supported school board members.

 Since the 2012 board election in Indianapolis, the Mind Trust and Stand for Children have covertly used a Stand for Children 501c4 headquartered in Oregon to funnel national money into the Indianapolis school board race.  Before this, any everyday citizen who could put together funding of $3-5,000 to win election to the school board.  Starting in 2012, we know that the Mind Trust and Stand for Children started providing around $65,000 to each of their chosen candidates with all of them winning as no one was expecting or prepared for this infusion of such large amounts.  In the next election, 2014, they did the same and took majority control of the board, even though one of their chosen candidates, Gayle Cosby, turned against them once she realized what their real agenda was.  We call this “dark money” because a 501c4 does not have to report where the funds came from or how they were spent and not one of their candidates have publicly admitted this support.  In fact, it took the IPS Community Coalition shouting loudly about this for some time before the local news media paid any attention and still do not sufficiently attend to this, especially since in the last election, our best guess is that they spent over $500,000 on a district wide seat (more on this below).  Recently, the head of Stand for Children, who is widely praised in the EN article, said on social media that the Indianapolis Stand for Children has no relationship to the 501c4 in Oregon, leaving us puzzled as to how the Oregon folks know whom to support.

  1. Even though the “Innovation” schools (stealth charters inside the district) are widely praised, there is no discussion of constant reports to the IPS Community Coalition that the district leadership uses deception, misrepresentations (to put it politely), and threats to stop resistance and garner parent and teacher support for converting a traditional school to an “innovation” school.

Either lots of teachers and parents are lying to the IPS Community Coalition, or the districts is using strong arm tactics to institute “innovation” schools.  Indeed, many teachers report to us that they feel afraid of the district leadership, given the district’s rough shod ways of getting what the district wants.  Also, there is no mention of the fact that for their first three years, the “innovation” schools are under easier state accountability rules.  Thus, the Mind Trust and Stand for Children often brag that the “innovation” schools are doing “better” even though traditional schools, which are under the full accountability rules, are actually doing better.  Might we call this dissembling?

  1. No mention of the utter failure to successfully educate Black children, who are the majority of IPS students, and no mention of the use of home schooling and high discipline rates to push out Black children.

 Despite that we know that testing experts say we cannot use state accountability exams in the way we do, it is a harsh fact that less than 6% of Black 10th graders recently passed both the state’s language arts exam and the math exam.  If any business (the favorite neoliberal model) had this terrible outcome, that business would be shut down or all the leadership fired.  This is totally appalling—and never mentioned.  In addition, an intrepid local Chalkbeat reporter found compelling evidence that some schools have been counseling the parents of primarily Black students to choose to home school instead of facing a discipline incident result, a move that takes this student off the school’s roles and improves the school’s standing.  That this has the high potential to negatively impact the entire life of these Black students does not seem important to the decision makers, even though local Black activists, like Diane Daniels, have been pointing this out for years.  Furthermore, other schools, sometime called “no excuses” schools, use really high levels of discipline to push out primarily Black students that they see as potentially hurting their schools’ state grade, even though local education activists, like John Harris Loflin, have been making this point for years.  That all of this is totally disastrous for Black students, their families, their communities, and all of Indianapolis does not seem important enough to mention in the EN story.

  1. Substantial problems with the CREDO and Indiana University (IU) research cited in the EN article and not addressed.

 There is no mention of the deep critique of the CREDO report and its methodology, even though the University of Colorado’s National Education Policy Center (neps.colorado.edu) has published more than one critique of the CREDO methodology and their reports.  Also, no mention that the CREDO reports are done by a center that receives large pro-charter funding.  Furthermore, the IU research has been cited locally and nationally but never publicly released, as far as I have been able to determine.  I was able to get a copy of it, but since others have ownership, I cannot release it.  I did a thorough, indepth critique of it, showing it to be flawed in multiple ways but cannot publish since the research continues not to be public.  I mentioned that publicizing but not publishing results was against social science practice and ethics. I even asked that it be released, but they have stopped communicating with me even though I am part of the same university system.

  1. Nothing on the persistent incompetency of the Ferebee administration. (Ferebee left last year to go to Washington, DC. Fight hard, everyday DC folks!)

 The examples of incompetency are many and large.  First, closing of high schools is almost always a fraught endeavor.  Nonetheless, there are good superintendents around the country who have figured out how to have authentic, transparent conversations with their communities and arrive at collaborative decisions.  I have met and talked to some of these folks.  It is never easy, and some community people are not happy in the end, but overall the community can feel it was done fairly and transparently.  That was not the case in Indianapolis.  Second, without consulting even with their friends and natural allies, like the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Realtors, Ferebee went public with little time left before the vote with a nearly one billion-dollar bond proposal.  Even their friends and allies said, “NO!”  After an inappropriate Chamber study of cost cutting for the district, the district cut to around a quarter of the original amount to get Chamber and other elite support.  In addition, good superintendents know that it takes one to one and a half years of hard work to prepare for a successful bond election, and even that is no guarantee.  Ferebee seemed not to know this.  He did though get his quarter million because he committed most of it to raising teacher salaries, which even his critics supported.  Third, the district’s public budget document was opaque and confusing, even after having been critiqued by a non-political national organization that examines such documents nationwide.  After two years of pushing, we got some improvements.  Fourth, busing has consistently been a mess, which they now think they are solving by privatizing it. Fifth, teachers districtwide have become very afraid of raising any issues because they believe they will be fired.  Sixth, even though there is a large amount of research nationally as to what it takes to create successful urban schools for all children, regardless of race and ethnicity, family income, sexuality, disability status, and immigration status (some of which I have published), the Ferebee administration did not seem to know any of this.  Instead, initiating “innovation” schools and supporting charter schools that replaced district schools seemed to be his only choices.

  1. Chaos is the nature of the educational landscape as charters open and close and as neo-liberal-controlled IPS school board closes and opens schools and supports charters that open and close.

Since charters became legal in Indiana, 2001, 44% of charters have closed or been converted to a different school.  If we just count charters that closed, it is 40%.  This creates a very chaotic k12 educational landscape for students and their families.  After a family picks a charter, the odds are nearly half that the charter will close sooner or later.  Not surprisingly, many Indianapolis parents, especially low-income Black parents, are having to regularly move to a different school within their children’s elementary years.  What kind of a school system has nearly half of its schools closing over the last 20 years?  It is almost like the schools are more like hamburger joints than dependable public educational spaces.

  1. Choice does not really exist working class and low-income families

 Choice is a deceptive charade in Indianapolis public education, despite the school lottery, which includes both traditional and charters, run by “Enroll Indy” and originally funded by the Mind Trust. If you are a low income family of color, your real “choice” is to attend one among several low scoring schools dominated by the children of other low income families of color or “no excuses” schools that have very high discipline rates so that they can readily remove any student who will not help their state assessment grade.  The so-called “good” schools are overwhelmingly the ones with majority or near majority white students from educated, upper middle-class families.  These schools were created and are still being created to serve white families so they will move to Indianapolis or move their children to Indianapolis school district.  Though this is certainly a form of racism, some white school board members have publicly admitted this and/or recommended to their white friends to not send their children to the “diverse” schools.  However, these “good” schools are not readily accessible to the low-income families of color or even middle-class families of color.  This is not to say that there are not any “improving” schools or moderately successful schools serving low income families, but there are only a few.  Enroll Indy claims to be the district’s response to this racial segregation even though racial segregation in the district is increasing (nationwide research indicates that an increase in charters leads to an increase in racial segregation).  Importantly, the public cannot get access to Enroll Indy’s algorithm or their data set as they claim to be a private company, though their office is in the district administration’s building. Thus, they are able to conceal their process and their outcomes from the public

The neoliberal, so-called education “reform” movement is weaker than they seem despite their millions of dollars and their PR machine. 

The IPS Community Coalition is a multi-race, multi-class citywide coalition of everyday Indianapolis folks and local organizations (see us on Facebook) who started a little over three years ago.  We began with less than eight people sitting in a room together, and now we have over 250 members.  We are very active on Facebook and sometimes have over 6,000 eyes on our posts.  We have no money, and many of our members have little. We do support teachers’ unions and work with the local teachers’ union.  In the 2018 school board election, we defeated two of the Mind Trust and Stand for Children incumbents.  The only race they won was due to the candidate being a non-incumbent.  In our best understanding, they spent over a half million dollars on their districtwide candidate, Mary Ann Sullivan, while the person we supported, Susan Collins, defeated their candidate on less than $10,000.  Because of their losses in the last election, now they are bringing back some of the most well-known local founders of their so-called education “reform” movement, and they are trying to fake the community engagement that we authentically do.  They do have millions of dollars, many fulltime and part-time employees, and a large PR machine that falsely uses civil rights language, but they can be defeated.

Study what neoliberalism is doing in education and other public areas of your community. 

 An activated people can defeat money and power.

Dr. Jim Scheurich, Urban Education Studies Doctoral Program

Indiana University – Indianapolis (IUPUI) Professor

President, IPS Community Coalition

(This was previously published on Diane Ravitch’s blog, but points #9 and #10 have been added. )

Advocates Continue Push to Lessen Importance of Standardized Tests in Texas

A new piece posted yesterday on the NPR website entitled Advocates Continue Push to Lessen Importance of Standardized Tests in Texas. Morgan Kilgo reports,

The debate over the proper role of standard tests in evaluating student performance has been going strong in Texas, and around the nation, during the past decade. State Rep. Brooks Landgraf (R-Odessa) wants the debate to continue. In January, Landgraf filed a bill that would eliminate the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR test, from graduation and grade-level promotion requirements.

She continues,

Tying standardized testing to graduation can also create an atmosphere of punishment, says Julian Vasquez Heilig, a professor of educational leadership and policy studies at California State University, Sacramento.

“Texas has always been really big on punishment, punishing people, punishing schools, punishing everybody,” Heilig said. “Most testing is for informational purposes. It’s not so that you can punish the kids, so they don’t go to the next grade or … so they don’t graduate from high school.”

Heilig says students from impoverished backgrounds tend to do worse on the exams due to a lack of resources.

“These testing regimes have hurt students of color in poor communities,” Heilig said. “We ask some students to run a mile race without their Nike shoes, and then when they have a problem doing it, we say, well, there’s something wrong with them, with their teachers, with their school.”

Read the entire article here.

Please see all of Cloaking Inequity’s posts about high-stakes testing here.

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