Help!, Vote for Post: Who Should be Responded to First!?

It’s coming in from all directions this week. So I need your help to decide who should be responded to first on Cloaking Inequity. Here are the candidates:

There is an attack today from RedefinED on vouchers insinuating that I am a union shill and lack peer-review in my work.

The pro-choice and charter folks are trumpeting that KIPP attrition doesn’t matter.

Andre Perry  is arguing that @TeachForAmerica has “learned a lesson.”

or the Texas Comptroller who misused my quote so that I sound like a charter school lover.

Please vote below. The post with the highest vote as of 9 pm tonight will be online by Friday August 15, 2014. The next highest vote getters will be addressed in order in the following days.

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Please blame ALEC for any typos.