FIVE students funded TWO to go! We recently wrote:

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Do you believe in public education? Do you want US policymakers to understand why decision makers in Chile have now judged vouchers to be problematic after 30 years of universal implementation? Do you have frequent flier miles you can donate? Sponsor a grad student today!

This summer, I along with eight UT-Austin graduate students will travel to Santiago, Chile in August 2014 with Professor Julian Vasquez Heilig to conduct field research that will result in a policy brief, op-eds and a peer-reviewed academic paper detailing recent changes in Chile’s market-based education policy proposed this past April by Chile’s current Education Minister Nicholas Eyzaguirre.

See our original crowd sourcing call for airline miles for the Chile voucher research in the post Sponsor a Student!: Inform Your Policymaker Why Vouchers Have Failed.

Thank you to Ms. Catherine Liu, Mr. Anthony Cody and Ms. Marta Lillo for donating miles to members of our research team! We are grateful for your donations! Thanks to your generosity we now have over half of our research team funded! We also have had a few anonymous donors.

We still have two more members of our research team to fund (including me!). Please consider donating frequent flier miles today for our two worthy students!

You can also donate a ticket by using cash if you so choose (An airline ticket to Chile costs about $1,000 from Texas). 30,000 miles will book half of a ticket for airlines that allow one-way miles tickets such as American and United. So far three FIVE members of our team are funded we are almost there! It takes 60,000 frequent flier miles to fly from Texas to Chile.

Help US policymakers to understand why vouchers were problematic after several decades of universal implementation. (Why wait ten years or more like we did with NCLB?)!

Support the development of scholarship that the Walton Foundation, Arnold Foundation, Broad Foundation and  ALEC etc. would definitely not fund! Support the development of young scholars who will continue to fight for public education!

 August is quickly approaching. Please email your pledge and contact information to Sarah Ishmael at

Thank you for your support! Only 2 more students to go!

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See all of Cloaking Inequity’s posts on vouchers here.

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