Glad to announce that ⁦the California NAACP⁩ is supporting ⁦United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) call for charter cap in California.

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2 thoughts on “NAACP is supporting ⁦‪union‬⁩ call for charter cap in California

  1. Sorry last sentence

    Just as a “failing school” IS just a school that has many underachieving children attending it there are reasons why each of those underachieving children are not succeeding.


  2. Please Please step outside what you think you know
    Pleas Read these two books and then rethink what you think you know
    “Why They Kill” by Richard Rhodes about the work of Dr Lonnie Athens PhD. He describes the Behavioral process a person goes through to become violent.
    “The Deepest Well” by Nadine Burke Harris MD. She lays out the structural changes to the human brain because of abuse and trauma. She examines the ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
    These two books will become the foundation for all educational psychology.

    Think about “A child’s Belligerent Behavior is a CRY FOR HELP not an affront to authority” IF this makes sense to you and you want to know the rest of the story call me 414 403 1341 Tom Spellman

    It pains me greatly to see the NAACP being attacked by the Charter folks when there is a solution. Yes a solution. Just as a “failing school” in just a school that has many underachieving children attending it there are reasons why each of those underachieving children are not succeeding.


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