Q: Do Charters Spend More on Administration? A: Yes

I received a question over email querying if charters spend more on administration aka school leadership. I used t-tests to compare school leadership per pupil spending means from the 2010-2011 school finance data (the most recent cleaned dataset on my laptop) for all schools in Texas. Here is what I found:

Screen Shot 2013-09-25 at 12.28.36 AMIn elementary, charters spend $147 more per pupil than traditional public schools.

In middle, charters spend $495 more per pupil than traditional public schools.

In high school, charters spend $230 more per pupil than traditional public schools.

Are the differences in means statistically significant?Screen Shot 2013-09-25 at 12.28.51 AM

The independent t-test show that for all schools in Texas the higher administrative spending by charters is statistically significant (alpha<.000) for elementary and middle school levels but not for high schools.

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