CI's First Infographic: Perks of Preschool

Clearly there is an infographic craze going around… They are kind of like a book with pictures. Why can’t Cloaking Inequity jump on board? So, here is a cool one about early childhood education from As discussed in an earlier post

Pre-K, a Gold Standard: “You certainly don’t get what you don’t pay for”

There are very few gold standards in the research literature. Pre-K is one of the educational policies that has demonstrative empirical evidence supporting its implementation with full-day showing more impact than half-day. For Latina/os and African Americans, Pre-K has been shown to be especially promising for closing the achievement gap. As they are apt to do on the most important issues facing our society, NEPC (National Education Policy Center) has recently released a new brief summarizing the academic and fiscal benefits of universal preschool.

So why are we still debating? It used to be that Democrats and Republicans supported high-quality early childhood education because the benefits of the approach have large returns for society relative to the investment. What changed?

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8 thoughts on “CI’s First Infographic: Perks of Preschool

  1. Is there any way I can buy this as a print? My mom just got a job as a director of a preschool, and she would love this for the new office!


  2. You asked some questions regarding early childhood education: “So why are we still debating? It used to be that Democrats and Republicans supported high-quality early childhood education because the benefits of the approach have large returns for society relative to the investment. What changed?

    Answer: The success of ALEC that says it promotes free-market and conservative “ideas” and the “meme” that private is good and government bad! The myth, the “meme” that has been advanced by mindless right wing radio hosts and the Fox Cable network.

    The Republican party has been completely undermined. It starts with its Nixon led, racist, “Southern Strategy” going all the way back to 1968 when G.W. Bush hung out in Alabama as a pretender in the Air National Guard- to avoid Viet Nam. He was really building up his “Republican” credentials. He’s just one of the chicken-hawks who led our economy into the ditch (Iraq) and now the “meme” of austerity is being laid off on the backs of poor children and an education policy proven to benefit us all; if funded.


  3. Reblogged this on the amateur academic and commented:
    great infographic on the perks of preschool!
    although my focus is on higher education, I strongly believe that higher ed can’t achieve its goals without better input. pre-college programs are bandaids at best; we need to start at the beginning, with pre-K.


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